Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Black History Poster Critique

1. My favurtie part of this assignment was:

creating a portrait poster for a person who really affects in the
societies of Canadian becuase it was a valuable assignment for school and it was good chance to learn and know more about the black history month, and person that I choose for the poster.

2. My least favourite part of this assignment was:

I was having fun making poster for 'Black History Month', I would say I do not have any problem or dislike part during the assignment.

3. New thing I learned during this assignment were:

I learned that I have to use more my imagination and skill by own my hand instead of using lot of sources from Internet.

4. The thing I like best about my poster is:

The expression of Oscar Peterson's figures gave me cozy and comfortable feeling from his face, and body.

5. One thing I would change about my poster is:

I did not take care of the face part because it was hard to make it clear. Therefore, I put original picture underneath for only face part. However, I would like to change it because all that efforts reduce by face because the face parts are not my own work. Overall, I would like to change his face parts

6. Please explain the meaning behind your design choices for your poster.

First of all, the reason why I chose 'Oscar peterson' is becuase he was the greatest black Canadian jazz pianist in the world. He also won the seven grammy awards, and received other numerous awards in his career, and released over 200 recordings in his life. Researching his background and his career of his life was great chance to learn more about him.

Second of all, I have used dark colours for poster to look cozy and comfortable. I want to make the feeling of Oscar Peterson as soft and classic. Since he was the pianist I have reasearched the image with piano, so that poster can show what kind of person he is.

Lastly, I have a good feeling of this poster that I do not regret about choosing Oscar Peterson. Although, I would like to change the face of Oscar Peterson. My teacher also gave me advices and inspiration to my poster that I need to change some design of Oscar Peterson's face.